Stomatologist San luis Potosí, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
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Abstract: Evaluate the antimicrobial effect of Bacillus clausii in vegetative and spore form on Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans biofilm. This in vitro experimental study is divided into three phases. Phase I involves determining the probiotic concentration through the germination of Bacillus clausii spores in contact with pathogenic microorganisms in planktonic form. Phase II focuses on biofilm formation in laminar flow (64 single-root pieces), which were randomized and divided into eight groups through simple randomization to evaluate: i) biofilm maturation time (6 and 20 days); ii) type of microorganism (E. faecalis and C. albicans); and iii) form of probiotic (spore and vegetative). Phase III consists of descriptive statistical analysis using the chi-squared test and Cramer's V in SPSS software. After 24 hours, the germination of B. clausii is observed; upon contact with pathogens, this shows low survival of bacilli. Regarding biofilm formation (6 and 20 days), the groups with E. faecalis treated with B. clausii in vegetative and spore form present a low reduction of the pathogen. However, the presence of spores is constant. In contrast, the groups with C. albicans treated with B. clausii in vegetative and spore form show a greater presence of B. clausii in both morphologies of the pathogen, where C. albicans exhibits damage to the cell wall and loss of structure. Bacillus clausii demonstrates greater action on C. albicans than on E. faecalis.